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$1.8 Million Boat Crash Settlement

Settlement Obtained In Wisconsin Boating Accident Case

Settlement Obtained In Wisconsin Boating Accident Case

In November 2021, Gruber Law Offices settled a wrongful death case for $1.8 Million in a fatal boating accident. The lawsuit was filed in Winnebago County, Wisconsin. It is important to note that Wisconsin has statutory wrongful death damage caps on certain aspects of a case.

This case was defended aggressively on both liability and damages. The insurance company did not offer any monetary amount before a formal lawsuit was filed.

Our team worked incredibly hard to achieve this result. We hired a weather expert to discuss the storm’s path and severity. We also hired a boating safety expert to help our negligence arguments. Additionally, we hired an independent forensic pathologist who helped us with additional damage elements to prove our case. Our in-house investigators were very helpful in uncovering favorable information about our case. This case involved complex deposition testimony and discovery work-up. Gruber Law Offices’ Attorney Kaivon Yazdani, Attorney Tim Knurr and other talented members of our legal team helped achieve this significant result.

Settlement Obtained In Wisconsin Boating Accident Case