Use of products containing chemicals can pose a risk of potential injury or illness, but many consumers are now stepping forward with allegations that makers of the popular Roundup weed killer, Monsanto, may have known about the dangers of the product and potentially failed to warn the public.
Medical Conditions Possibly Linked to Roundup Use
According to consumer complaints and lawsuits already filed against Monsanto, breathing in the weed-killing spray may expose a consumer to the active ingredient glyphosate. Consumers and scientists believe that glyphosate is dangerous to human health and can cause a consumer who uses Roundup regularly, to develop the serious conditions of Non-Hodgkins lymphoma, myeloma, or leukemia.
Thus far, many of the complaints and legal action have involved people who have used Roundup in their home as well as landscapers and gardeners who used the product in a work-related capacity.
It is possible that Roundup and its active ingredient of glyphosate are connected to other medical conditions like bone cancer, B-cell lymphoma, skin tumors, DNA damage, or chromosome damage.

Glyphosate Risks
According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the active ingredient that makes Roundup so effective as a weed killer, glyphosate, also may pose risks for those who breathe in the spray during use. Based on current lawsuits and numerous articles, the IARC states that glyphosate is linked to cancer diagnoses despite the fact that Monsanto continues to argue that their product is safe for use. At the time the IARC released this statement in 2015, several studies from Sweden, the U.S., and Canada had already been published regarding a potential glyphosate-cancer link. Another study published in early 2019 stated that cancer risk for glyphosate users can be up to 41% higher than non-users.
Some evidence indicates that due to the number of farmers who were diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, there may have been signs about the connection between pesticide use and cancer dating back to the 1980s.
Glyphosate is very effective at killing weeds; eliminating the need for any other product in a residential or commercial setting. Glyphosate is very popular as an herbicide, especially in the United States. The ingredient is found in more than 750 products in the United States, and due to the popularity of this weed-killing active ingredient, many people may have used Roundup enough to have been exposed to health risks.
Recognizing Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Although it has been argued that there are multiple risks for users of Roundup, one of the most prominent is a cancer diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. This form of cancer starts in the white blood cells in a person’s immune system. This condition can begin in any of the body’s lymphatic tissue or on the skin. This is a serious and aggressive form of cancer that once diagnosed, often requires a very comprehensive treatment plan.
Persistent fever, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, chest pain, and unexplained weight loss are all symptoms of NHL.
Lawsuits already filed against Monsanto argue that the company has long known about the cancer connection but has continued to promote the product as safe for ongoing use. Therefore, the lawsuits state, Monsanto has potentially exposed thousands of consumers to potential illness. These lawsuits argue that Monsanto failed to warn, leaving consumers to pay the price in the form of serious medical conditions such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Your Legal Options
If you or a loved one has been recently diagnosed with any of the above–referenced conditions following the use of Roundup, call Gruber Law Offices. We are working in partnership with national, award-winning consumer law firm Weitz & Luxenberg, a preeminent national player. Our team is available 24/7 to discuss your legal options. Call us now for a free and confidential consultation.