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5 Tips To Know For Buying Motorcycle Insurance

Buying motorcycle insurance can be a difficult decision. In the video below, our own David Gruber shares 5 tips to help you better understand what is important in a motorcycle insurance policy and a few commonly missed ways to help you potentially lower your monthly premium.

Buying motorcycle insurance can be a difficult decision. In the video below, our own David Gruber shares 5 tips to help you better understand what is important in a motorcycle insurance policy and a few commonly missed ways to help you potentially lower your monthly premium.


Video Transcript

Is your motorcycle insurance actually protecting you? I’m personal injury attorney David Gruber and unfortunately many people we help at our law firm didn’t know that they weren’t protected until it was too late. After fighting for our clients for over 30 years, I’m going to share with you five important tips for choosing the right motorcycle insurance.

#1.) Don’t Rely On The Person Who Hit You To Pay

#1.) Don’t Rely On The Person Who Hit You To Pay

Many people we help ask me “if it was their fault, why do I have to pay?” Unfortunately there are still many people driving with little or no insurance. People who don’t have insurance often do not have money to pay for someone else’s motorcycle and medical bills. And if the other person files bankruptcy, the claim you file against them could potentially be discharged and you may not recover any money from them. The only sure way to protect yourself is to have underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage.

#1.) Don’t Rely On The Person Who Hit You To Pay

#2.) Don’t Just Get A Basic Policy With Low Premiums

#2.) Don’t Just Get A Basic Policy With Low Premiums

No one expects to get into an accident, but accidents are the reason that we need insurance. The state minimum insurance coverage in Wisconsin is $25,000.  This may sound like ample coverage, but it is not. Each year we help people who have been severely injured that have over 10x that amount in medical bills alone.  Without enough coverage, you could be financially responsible to pay those bills. Cheap insurance may protect your motorcycle, but it leaves the most important thing unprotected…yourself.


#2.) Don’t Just Get A Basic Policy With Low Premiums

#3.) Never Ride Without An Umbrella Policy 

#3.) Never Ride Without An Umbrella Policy 

An umbrella insurance policy is an extra layer of protection that will financially cover you if you have medical bills or damages that exceed your policy limits. For example, if you get a policy with a limit of $250,000 and someone hits you without insurance, your medical bills could easily surpass $250,000 if any surgeries are required. This is where an umbrella plan would kick in and protect you from having to pay out of pocket for your medical care. I help people who have been injured handle their medical bills every single day, and from my experience, I recommend purchasing an umbrella policy of at least $1 million in uninsured or underinsured injury coverage. And even though this may sound expensive, umbrella policies are often surprisingly inexpensive to add.

#3.) Never Ride Without An Umbrella Policy 

#4.) Check To See If Your Insurance Carrier Has Winter Storage Coverage

#4.) Check To See If Your Insurance Carrier Has Winter Storage Coverage

Unfortunately, our motorcycle season is short here in Wisconsin. When the temperature gets lower, so should your monthly motorcycle insurance premiums. Some insurance carriers offer a winter storage coverage, often known as layup coverage. This coverage allows you to pause your liability and other coverages that only apply to driving during, during the winter months. The policy does still maintain comprehensive coverage which can protect you from non-accident damage or theft of the motorcycle.

#4.) Check To See If Your Insurance Carrier Has Winter Storage Coverage

#5.) Motorcycle Safety Classes Can Often Lower Your Monthly Premium 

#5.) Motorcycle Safety Classes Can Often Lower Your Monthly Premium 

Taking a motorcycle safety course is always recommended for new riders, but even experienced riders should consider taking a class. Many insurance companies offer discounts to those who have completed a state-approved motorcycle safety class. There are often classes for all skill levels, so check with your insurance company about potential savings and sign up for a safety course that is right for you.

#5.) Motorcycle Safety Classes Can Often Lower Your Monthly Premium 


You can never have too much insurance. Make sure you and your loved ones are sufficiently protected. If you’ve been in an accident and need a motorcycle accident lawyer, call Gruber Law Offices for a free consultation. One Call…That’s All!

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